Review of ‘Bad Clowns’ in the Journal of Folklore Research

by | Dec 25, 2017 | Bad Clowns, Benjamin Radford, Books, Media Appearances, Media Literacy, Reviews | 0 comments

Santa brought me a great gift:

A nice review of my book in a prominent folklore journal: “Bad Clowns is a thorough, useful survey of the history of bad, creepy, and evil clown narratives and imagery, and one that could prove a timely and accessible teaching text for undergraduate courses on contemporary legend, folklore and popular culture, or folklore and media. Bad Clowns does an outstanding job of querying why clown imagery has come to be associated with fear, crime, and violence… Ideas involving the uncomfortable intersection of childhood with adulthood, the catharsis of chaos, and the idea of a clown as a magnified cultural mirror – lurk deeper. For these questions alone, the book is worth a read.”

You can read the rest HERE. 


You can find more on me and my work with a search for “Benjamin Radford” (not “Ben Radford”) on Vimeo, and please check out my podcast Squaring the Strange! 


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