‘Squaring the Strange’ Archives Recap

by | Feb 15, 2018 | Benjamin Radford, News, Psychology, Skepticism, Squaring the Strange, UFOs and Aliens | 0 comments

As we approach our one-year anniversary Squaring the Strange, the podcast I co-host with Pascual Romero and Celestia Ward, I wanted to review early episodes you may have missed!



Episode 6: Roswell that Ends Well

First, what are we skeptical of this week? Ben discusses the rumors about a “blue whale suicide game” and how it has all the hallmarks of a classic urban legend moral panic: grooming, danger hidden under a parent’s nose, specificity and localization, anxiety over new technology, and legitimization by authorities–but zero actual evidence. Pascual talks about Skin Motion, a company promoting new tattoo trend involving soundwaves (both areas of his expertise), and picks apart some misleading things about the process. Then Ben and Pascual discuss the different versions of the alleged 1947 alien saucer crash in Roswell, New Mexico, and track how this story changed from something mundane and ignored (five pounds of sticks and tinfoil) to something strange and otherworldly. Roswell is a case that calls out how important it is to seek out earliest original sources, as the space of thirty years and the rise of aliens in pop culture clearly influenced a complete turnabout in interpretation and memories–leading to a cottage industry that produced copycat stories, conspiracy theories, and even phony alien autopsy footage. This is all complicated by the fact that there really WAS a bit of a coverup at Roswell, but not of the type ufo fans want to believe. In the wrap-up, the guys discuss their fond memories of “In Search Of” and, to get really meta, read some viewer mail that discusses previous viewer mail.


You can find more on me and my work with a search for “Benjamin Radford” (not “Ben Radford”) on Vimeo, and please check out my podcast Squaring the Strange! 


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