A new article on Gizmodo about monsters references my chupacabra research: "Other descriptions peg it as looking like a wild dog with a pronounced spinal ridge. Skeptical investigator Benjamin Radford went in-depth into the legend of the chupacabra, and concluded that...
Benjamin Radford
My article on Seeker (formerly Discovery News) is about the tragic legacy of fake bomb detectors in Iraq... check it out! After years of equipping important security checkpoints throughout Iraq with non-functioning bomb detectors, the Iraqi government has finally...
“Did Ben Radford Solve the Chupacabra Mystery?” (Hint: Yes!)
There's a YouTube video that's been around since 2014 about my chupacabra research, though I only recently got around to watching it. It's a little slow and amateurish, but a decent and concise summary; you can see it HERE. Of me he says, "I think [Ben Radford's] done...
Solving the Original Pokemon Mystery
As you may know, in 2001 I helped solve the mystery of the bizarre 1997 Pokémon seizure incident. I wrote an article that became a cover story in Fortean Times and co-authored a medical journal article about it. I revisit the puzzling case in my new Seeker article:...
Is Flossing Your Teeth Worthless? Not So Fast…
News stories last week have challenged the conventional wisdom dispensed by dentists for decades: that flossing your teeth regularly helps prevent tooth decay and gum disease. But that's not quite accurate. My article explaining why is HERE! You can...
The Presidential Politics of Vaccinations
My recent article for Seeker (formerly Discovery News) is about the politics of vaccinations... In medicine the benefits of childhood vaccination are widely accepted. The evidence is clear and overwhelming: vaccines do not cause autism (or any other condition),...
Discussion with a Dowser
A dowser I was testing once proudly noted (partway through the trials) that so far he had successfully found water at a significantly higher rate than would be expected by random chance (20% instead of 5%). I pointed out that performing better than random chance was a...
Quoted in a Forbes Article on Ghost Hunting Equipment
This is cool.. I was recently mentioned in a Forbes article on ghost hunting science and pseudoscience: There’s no shortage of retailers to provide for your spooky-seeking needs. Products marketed as “Deluxe Ghost Hunting Kit” and “Ghost Hunting Spirit Box” can be...
The Original Fearless Female Ghostbuster
For those who didn't see it, I recently wrote a piece about a fascinating 1880s-era scientist/educator/feminist/ghostbuster named Eleanor Sidgwick... The long-awaited "Ghostbusters" remake is out... While vampire slaying has often been portrayed as a female-dominated...
Victim’s Ghost Seen in Photo? Unlikely…
My new article on a viral ghost photo claimed to show an accident victim's soul leaving his body is now out: A photo taken at the scene of a fatal motorcycle crash in Kentucky has gone viral, with many claiming they can see the accident victim's spirit leaving his...