Sneak preview of the upcoming issue of 'Skeptical Inquirer' science magazine! Cover illustration by my friend and Squaring the Strange co-host Celestia Ward, look for it on newsstands and in your mailbox in 2 weeks!
Squaring the Strange #166: Episode 165 – Moral Panic Series: LITERATURE AND COMIC DANGER!
Our last Squaring the Strange episode of 2021 is out, and unlike other podcasts, we are giving you fresh episodes... even a BONUS episode like this one, well ahead of our usual biweekly schedule. Our final episode of the moral panic series deals with panics...
Quoted in Rolling Stone: ‘Stop Falling for Made-Up TikTok Moral Panics!’
So this is cool: I'm quoted in Rolling Stone encouraging people to, quote, "Stop Falling for Made-Up TikTok Moral Panics!" Check it out HERE! Also, don't forget to check out my podcast, Squaring the Strange!

The True, Heartwarming Story of the Mall of America’s Black Santa
In 2016, before COVID and amid the encroaching commercialization of Christmas, Black Friday sales, and annual social media grumblings about the manufactured controversy over whether “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays” is appropriate, an ugly episode of racial hatred...
Squaring the Strange #163: Moral Panics in Music!
The new episode of Squaring the Strange is out! Part two in our four-part series on moral panics. This week we talk MUSIC, and go into the past, present, and future of (as Fresh Prince would say) parents just not understanding their kids' music. So sit back and hear...
Quoted in New Book ‘Encountering the Sovereign’
One of the pleasures of my job (along with random stranger hate mail) is seeing where my research is referenced. I'm mentioned in a new book, "Encountering the Sovereign Other: Indigenous Science Fiction." I haven't read it yet but it definitely looks interesting......
My Scary Face Makes the News!
My psychologist friend Stuart Vyse wrote an interesting article on scary faces, and mentioned me in the piece! Not sure how I feel about that, but take a look anyway... It's HERE.
Squaring the Strange # 162: Moral Panics and Games!
For those who didn't see it: New episode of Squaring the Strange is out, the first in our series on Moral Panics. This week we look at games: it's not just first-person-shooters that have caused parents and social guardians to wring their hands and ask "will no one...
Squaring the Strange # 161: Magician Roundtable!
New episode of Squaring the Strange is out! First Tim Mendham from the Australian Skeptics pops in for a quick visit, then we sit down for a discussion with Vegas magicians Matt Donnelly, R.J. Owens, and Vinny Grosso. Each of them has a perspective on magic and...
Willem Dafoe’s in ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’?!
I'm quoted in a new article by Russ Dobler on techniques that can fool people into thinking you're psychic (by way of the upcoming Spider-Man movie!) for his Adventures in Poor Taste website... Check it out HERE!