I will be a speaker at this year’s Center for Inquiry Summit, talking about skeptical investigation and skepticism.
Should examination of religious beliefs remain largely off limits for skeptics? Should secular humanists be as critical of fringe science claims, including alternative medicine, as they are of religious beliefs? To what extent do skeptics and humanists have a common mission? Both skeptics and humanists support science and critical thinking—but what else unites them? Are there public policy issues on which skeptics and humanists can productively collaborate?
The best way to answer these questions is to bring skeptics and humanists together to talk about them—and that’s exactly what we’re doing. On October 24-27, 2013, we’re holding The CFI Summit: a joint conference of the Center for Inquiry and its affiliate organizations, the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry and the Council for Secular Humanism.
For more information or to register, click HERE.