The new horror film Antlers is set in a decaying Oregon town, where a single father, Frank, is seen with his young son Aiden outside a mine. What at first seems like an innocent father-son bonding moment turns dark, literally and figuratively, as we see that...
Benjamin Radford
Talking Bigfoot, Guest on Something To Sasquatch About!
Hey folks! I was recently a guest on a show (twice!) talking about the evidence for Bigfoot, and why cryptozoology needs to improve its methods if it wants to find its quarry. Fun conversation, may be of interest to fans of cryptozoology: Check it out!...
Willem Dafoe’s in ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’?!
I'm quoted in a new article by Russ Dobler on techniques that can fool people into thinking you're psychic (by way of the upcoming Spider-Man movie!) for his Adventures in Poor Taste website... Check it out HERE!
Squaring the Strange # 156: Thylacines with Folklorist Daisy Ahlstone
New episode of Squaring the Strange is out! Folklorist Daisy Ahlstone shares some facts, folklore, and even furry art celebrating the thylacine, also known as the Tasmanian tiger, which was declared extinct in the 20th century. Ahlstone talks about the extreme...
Grand Opening of the Online Friggatriskaidekaphobia Treatment Center!
For those who missed our Grand Opening of the Online Friggatriskaidekaphobia (fear of Friday the 13th) Treatment Center, it's not too late to join the fun! We had song, dance, puns, and a short talk by me about the psychology of superstitions, and you can watch it...
Conversation with a Conspiracy Believer
After many, many similar encounters, I thought I'd offer this... Person A: Hey, you should check out this YouTube video, it’s full of interesting information, stuff “they” don’t want you to know. It’s really important to seek out multiple sources, question...
La Desesperación y La Sequía Atraen a Controvertidos Radiestesistas
My Spanish-language article on water dowsing is now out for 'Pensar' magazine, thanks to Alejandro Borgo for the translation! Los tiempos de estrés social, dificultades e incertidumbre estimulan el interés en todo tipo de adivinación y profecía. El público va a...
Squaring the Strange #154: 154 – Fishy, Fraudulent Food!
For those who didn't see it: in the recent episode of Squaring the Strange we talked to fisheries expert D.G. Webster about the wild, weird world of seafood fraud! Yep: fake fishes and fraudulent food... What's on your plate? Check it out HERE!
Quoted in a Global News Canada article on Sasquatch
I'm quoted in a Global News Canada article on the search for Sasquatch, talking about why the evidence for Bigfoot keeps falling short. Check it out HERE! Also, please subscribe to my podcast!
I’m ‘Among the Top Lake Monster Authorities in the World’!
From a library press release: "Benjamin Radford and Joe Nickell are considered to be among the top lake monster authorities in the world. They discuss the different types of lake monster sightings, delve into explanations for those sightings, and examine hoaxes,...