I'll be giving a presentation on my chupacabra investigation to the Albuquerque SciFi Society on October 9 at 7:30 PM; the origin of the chupacabra has interesting origins with H.R. Giger and the film "Species." You can find out more HERE. You can find more on...
The Post Hoc Fallacy: Vaccine Fears and Roosevelt-Menacing Indians
I recently read Candice Miller's book The River of Doubt, about Theodore Roosevelt's 1914 exploration of an unknown river in the Brazilian Amazon. It's a fascinating story of adventure, misadventure, murder, and more. In the book I also found an excellent real-life...
Quoted in New Report on Debunking Online Rumors
A journalism researcher named Craig Silverman published a report on best practices for debunking online misinformation in journalism and the skeptical community: “I recently completed a fellowship with the Tow Center for Digital Journalism that saw me study how news...
Quoted in New Book on Critical Thinking
I'm quoted in a new book on critical thinking titled "Sharp Thinking." At least I think I am... it's in Hebrew. Here's the cover.
Review of ‘Myths and Mysteries of New Mexico’
My new CFI blog is a review of a book on New Mexico mysteries. I tried to be kind... You can find it HERE.
Chapter 1 of ‘Tracking the Chupacabra’ Read by the Author
An audio recording of me reading the first chapter from my book "Tracking the Chupacabra" is available for free on my web site HERE. Did they edit out my profanity and overheated Shatner-esque delivery? Find out!
“Five Questions With Benjamin Radford”: My NM Mercury Magazine Interview!
I was recently interviewed by UNM Prof. V.B. Price for New Mexico Mercury magazine, in which I talked about my new book Mysterious New Mexico, skepticism, and investigations. Who got upset by my book? Find out! The five-question interview is available online...
My Appearance on MSNBC Discussing Global Warming–and Bigfoot!
On Thursday January 8 I appeared live on MSNBC to talk about how climate change might affect unknown animals such as Bigfoot and the chupacabra. My research into the subject, done in part as preparation for the interview, will appear in a forthcoming issue of...
My New Book ‘Mysterious New Mexico’ on Front Page of Albuquerque Journal
My new book "Mysterious New Mexico" was recently mentioned on the front page of the Albuquerque Journal!
My Chupacabra Research is cited in Encyclopedia of Latino Culture: From Calaveras to Quinceañeras.”
My research on the chupacabra is cited in the recent book "Encyclopedia of Latino Culture: From Calaveras to Quinceañeras." Kind of cool, I guess. You can see it HERE.