I have a recent blog on the importance of fact-checking statistics and claims--including those made by people whose causes you support. You can read it HERE.
Interviewed in “Albuquerque: The Magazine” This Month
In the current issue of "Albuquerque: The Magazine" I'm interviewed in a one-page feature in the Culture section talking about my investigations and new book Mysterious New Mexico! Check it out!
Chupacabra Investigation Talk at Taylor Ranch Library in ABQ
On Saturday Sept. 20 I'll be giving a free talk at the Taylor Ranch Library in Albuquerque, New Mexico, from 2-3 PM. I'll be discussing my research into (and solving the mystery of) the Hispanic vampire beast El Chupacabra. I'll also be talking about and signing...
Appearance on the Grand Dark Conspiracy Show
I was recently a guest on the Grand Dark Conspiracy Show, talking about my investigations and new book, Mysterious New Mexico. You can check out the show HERE.
NMSR Meeting Appearance: Miracle of the Loretto Staircase
I will be appearing Weds the 10th speaking for the New Mexicans for Science and Reason (NMSR) at 7 PM about my investigation into the miracle of Santa Fe's Loretto Staircase. I will also be signing copies of my new book Mysterious New Mexico! You can find more about...
Appearance on Project: Archivist Radio Show
I was recently guest on the Project: Archivist show, talking about some of my research and investigations... It's a great show if you haven't heard it. The episode will be out any time now; you can hear it HERE.
New Anthology Includes Me with William Safire, Jessica Valenti, and Al Gore
My chapter in a new book: "In a vibrant four-color format, 'The Sundance Reader' features more than 70 essays drawn from a range of academic disciplines and professions. This rich collection of engaging essays and articles emphasizes critical thinking, careful...
Elves (Yes, Elves) Part of Road-Building Protest in Iceland
Over the past few months, dozens of environmentalists in Iceland have staged a high-profile protest against a road scheduled to cut through an area of volcanic rock on the Álftanes peninsula, not far from the capital of Reykjavik. It is only one of countless...
‘Bigfoot DNA’ Researcher Writes Young Adult Bigfoot Novel
Some of you may have heard of Melba Ketchum, the Texas veterinarian who claimed, in a self-published journal, to have found Bigfoot DNA last year. After failing to convince the scientific establishment (or, really, anyone else) of her claims, in the latest step of her...
Radio Show Appearance: Edge of the Unknown Radio Show
Last month I appeared on the Edge of the Unknown Radio on the All 1 Broadcast Network, and talked about a wide variety of weird and non-weird things. It was a fun show, and you can listen to it HERE.