I will be appearing in Phoenix, Arizona, on March 9, giving a talk on my chupacabra investigation. For more information on the talk (and my Scientific Paranormal Investigations workshop the next day) visit the Phoenix Area Skeptics Society events page HERE. Hope to...
Ben Radford, Romantic Hero, Appears in Manga Comics
I'm in manga! Check out the teaser for the manga comic AKAI KAMI WA YUUWAKU NO SHIRUSH. "Ben Radford thought Kay Napier was a fortune hunter, out to get the Endacott family fortune by posing as the long lost Kimberley Endacott. Kay just wanted to know whether or not...
New MonsterTalk Podcast Episode!
In case you missed it, the new episode of the MonsterTalk podcast (#048) is live featuring Scott Poole and his book Monsters In America. PG13 rating on this one. Don't say you weren't warned! You can listen to it HERE.
Talk and Investigations Workshop in Chandler/Phoenix Arizona in March
I will be giving a talk and an investigations workshop in Arizona on March 9 and 10! My talk, titled Solving the Chupacabra Mystery, will be at 7 PM March 9 at the Windmill Inn (3535 W. Chandler Blvd, Chandler, AZ). You can sign up on the Meetup.com page. My...
Sign Up for My Free Paranormal Investigation E-Mail Course!
In cooperation with my friends at MailBoxBlack, I have created a free 10-part introduction to the basics of Scientific Paranormal Investigation for those who are interested in my research, book, and workshops of the same name. It will give you a taste of the process...
MonsterTalk Interviews a Witch About Defense Against Demons
In the latest episode of MonsterTalk, Blake Smith and I interview witch Emily Carlin about her book Defense Against the Dark, on how to protect yourself from evil spirits. It's an interesting and respectful skeptic-versus-believer discussion; you can listen to it HERE.
Interviewed on NPR About Chupacabra Investigation
I was recently interviewed on National Public Radio about my New Mexico Book Award-nominated tome Tracking the Chupacabra: The Vampire Beast in Fact, Fiction, and Folklore. You can listen to it HERE.
Tracking the Chupacabra Read by Author
I have created an audio recording of Chapter 1 of my book Tracking the Chupacabra: The Vampire Beast in Fact, Fiction, and Folklore. It is available as a free mp3 download HERE.
‘Best Case’ For Psychic Detectives- Audio Interviews Available
I investigated the best case for psychic detectives, offered by Skeptiko podcast host Alex Tsakiris, in 2008. It was claimed to be one of the strongest cases in history, due in part to the fact that (according to a TV show Alex watched) two police detectives support...
Salon.com References My Work on Sex Offender Panic
In a Halloween article on Salon.com, writer Tracy Clark-Florey wrote a very good piece on the panic over sex offenders at Halloween (coincidentally, the subject of Chapter 29 in my new book The Martians Have Landed!). In it she referenced some of my work on the topic;...