Looks like Ken Gerhard and I are quoted in a news story about the chupacabra legend.... Check it out HERE! Plus of course you can also read more in my book on the topic!
New Book ‘Big If True’ Reviewed on ‘Adventures in Poor Taste’!
The delightful website Adventures in Poor Taste has a nice review of my new book Big--If True! Check it out HERE!
Quoted in a ‘Cracked’ Article About the Chupacabra!
I'm quoted in a new Cracked article about the chupacabra, and it gives a slightly snarky (but generally good) summary of the monster's cinematic origins: "How A '90s Erotic Thriller Created the 'Chupacabra' Myth. Check it out!
My Chapter on Vaccination Controversies…
That time I wrote a chapter in a book on vaccination controversies...
Guesting on the Passport podcast, talking about scary clowns!
I'm a guest on the Passport podcast, talking about scary clowns, fear of clowns, and miscellaneous clown weirdness. Paris: The Serious Business of Clowning Around Clowns: freaky, funny or downright mystifying? This week, we tread the boards of the French...
Tim Burton, Albert Camus, Michel Foucault… and Me!
I'm quoted, along with Tim Burton, Albert Camus, and Michel Foucault, in a new journal article on media education. Good company, I suppose...
“Big–If True: Adventures in Oddity” Available in Paperback and Kindle!
Pleased to announce that my new book 'Big-- If True: Adventures in Oddity' is now available in paperback and Kindle. Please check it out if you feel so inclined! You can get it HERE!
Flashback: ‘Scientific Paranormal Investigation’ in the ‘TAPS Paramagazine’
When my book “Scientific Paranormal Investigation” was published in 2010 I took out a full page ad in the T.A.P.S. (“Ghost Hunters” TV show) magazine. I figured their audience needed my book more than anyone...

New book: Big—If True: Adventures in Oddity
Big—If True is a collection of my Skeptical Inquirer magazine columns, guiding readers on a science-based (yet open-minded) examination of 70 fascinating and mysterious topics. Drawing on two decades of first-hand research, Big—If Trueexamines dozens of mysteries...

Signed and numbered limited edition of Big—If True!
As I did with previous books I’m offering the first 50 copies of my new book Big—If True for pre-sale. Big—If True is a collection of my Skeptical Inquirer magazine columns, guiding readers on a science-based (yet open-minded) examination of 70 fascinating and...