I'm quoted in a new Cracked article about the chupacabra, and it gives a slightly snarky (but generally good) summary of the monster's cinematic origins: "How A '90s Erotic Thriller Created the 'Chupacabra' Myth. Check it out!
Adventures in Poor Taste Reviews ‘Tracking the Chupacabra’
I'm far too modest to mention it, but there's a nice new review of my chupacabra book on the Adventures in Poor Taste website... you can find it HERE.
Guest on ‘Cheddar Reveals’: Folklore of Dragons and Monsters
In case you missed my appearance on the TV show "Cheddar Reveals" talking about dragons and other monster folklore, you can watch it HERE!
New Chupacabra Movie from Jonás Cuarón
Looks like there's a new chupacabra movie coming out, from Jonás Cuarón, son of Alfonso. "The film tells the story of a teenager who visits his family in Mexico and discovers a Chupacabra hiding in his grandfather's shed. Saving the strange creature will be the goal...
Squaring the Strange # 128 – ¡Feliz Cumpleaños, el Chupacabra!
New episode of Squaring the Strange! This month is the 25th anniversary of the emergence of our favorite beastie, the chupacabra! We discuss the past, present, and future of this little vampiric critter . . . as well as disappearing mailboxes and what the media's "not...

El Cine Chupacabra! The Hispanic Vampire In Film
Of all the world’s cryptozoological curiosities I like the chupacabra the most. I’ve researched Bigfoot, Champ (the lake monster in Lake Champlain), along with Mothman, Lizard Man, the Kraken, and myriad monsters over my career. But the chupacabra is my favorite; I...
On Russian TV Talking Monsters! “Не факт! Фантастические твари.”
For my Russian-speaking friends, I present my appearance on a Russian television show talking about monster folklore. Though Moscow paid for it, I promise my part (around 19 minutes in) is not Putin's dezinformatsiya, and I got no Shill Rubles for it! You can see it...
Joining Josh Gates For Chupacabra Research on ‘Expedition Unknown’
I was recently on “Expedition Unknown" with Josh Gates on the Discovery Channel, talking about my chupacabra research in Puerto Rico. Watch for dead fowl, vampire legends, and roaches! You can find it HERE! You can find more on me and my work with a search for...
I’m Quoted in GQ! Kind of…
I've been quoted in countless publications from the New York Times to Ladies Home Journal, but I've finally made it! I'm referenced as "one guy" in a new GQ article: You can find more on me and my work with a search for "Benjamin Radford"...

Why Chupacabra Reports Only Go Back To 1995
I recently came across a blog by a fellow cryptozoology writer, Nick Redfern, which began with a well-deserved rant about armchair debunkers. The shabby state of research into Fortean topics is widely acknowledged by skeptics—and some “believers” (for lack of a better...