Hey folks! I was recently a guest on a show (twice!) talking about the evidence for Bigfoot, and why cryptozoology needs to improve its methods if it wants to find its quarry. Fun conversation, may be of interest to fans of cryptozoology: Check it out!...
Squaring the Strange # 156: Thylacines with Folklorist Daisy Ahlstone
New episode of Squaring the Strange is out! Folklorist Daisy Ahlstone shares some facts, folklore, and even furry art celebrating the thylacine, also known as the Tasmanian tiger, which was declared extinct in the 20th century. Ahlstone talks about the extreme...
Quoted in a Global News Canada article on Sasquatch
I'm quoted in a Global News Canada article on the search for Sasquatch, talking about why the evidence for Bigfoot keeps falling short. Check it out HERE! Also, please subscribe to my podcast!
I’m ‘Among the Top Lake Monster Authorities in the World’!
From a library press release: "Benjamin Radford and Joe Nickell are considered to be among the top lake monster authorities in the world. They discuss the different types of lake monster sightings, delve into explanations for those sightings, and examine hoaxes,...
Guest on the Squatch Show!
I was recently a guest on the Squatch Talk show, talking about Bigfoot sightings, evidence, skepticism, and much more. It was a fun conversation, and since the host's internet went out, we will be doing a Part 2! Check it out HERE! Also we briefly talked about...
I’m a Guest on ‘Something to Sasquatch About’!
I'm a guest on the "Something to Sasquatch About" show! We talked about the evidence for Bigfoot, the nature of skepticism, why the 1967 Patterson/Gimlin film hasn't been replicated, the lack of quality control in Bigfoot research, the "Bigfoot Butt Print" cast, and...
Squaring the Strange # 149: The Beast of Gévaudan with Jay Smith
Our recent episode of Squaring the Strange had as our guest historian Jay Smith, who joins us to talk about the murderous 18th century French monster known as the Beast of Gévaudan, thought by some to be a werewolf, a hyena, or perhaps even some...
Squaring the Strange # 148 – Steak-Umms and the 2001 Monkey Man Panic!
For this episode we are joined by a surprise guest, the critical thinker behind the Steak-Umms popular brand voice (aka Nathan Allebach), who talks to us about targeting misinformation as a PR strategy, managing viral posts, and the brand's recent dustup with Neil...

The Monkey Man Panic: 20 Years Later
Twenty years ago last month the capital of India was gripped in a panic. Early reports claimed that some mysterious monkey-like creature attacked many residents in New Delhi, leaving fear, scars, and ultimately even dead bodies in its wake. The Monkey Man, as it came...
Squaring the Strange # 143: Mermaids and Merfolk
This episode we talk all manner of things mer . . . mermen, mermaids, merb'ys, and many more. People love conjuring up creatures that are half human in some way (especially half sexy human), and merfolk top the list. Whether they are helpful, innocent creatures or...