A creepy clown was sighted recently in a Chicago cemetery late at night... My look at weird clown reports can be found HERE.
‘Kentucky Fried Rat’ Urban Legend Resurfaces
My new article on KFC urban legends, and how a piece of chicken can look like a fried rat, is up at Discovery News, you can read it HERE. It's an interesting blend of psychology, folklore, and culture...
My Appearance on ‘The Humanist Hour’ Show
I was recently interviewed on The Humanist Hour, talking about skepticism, skeptical investigation, miracles, and much more. You can hear the show HERE.
The ‘Boy Who Went to Heaven’ Didn’t- And Why Many Believed
You may have heard that a boy who wrote an inspiring "true story" best-seller about going to heaven has admitted he made it up. I wrote an article on it, and a analysis about why many people believed it, you can read it HERE.
Crop Circles: A Not-So-Convincing Case
A reader challenged me to explain two especially puzzling crop circles, if they were evidence of alien contact. I took up his challenge and did my best. See what you think, you can read it HERE!
Why Do People Decide to Disappear?
Why do some people decide to just disappear? A closer look at the "malicious missing" in my new blog, you can read it HERE!
Man Claims AIDS Scare Legend Came to Life
Seattle man reports being attacked by a woman with an HIV-infected needle: It sounds like an urban legend come to life--but is it? My article and analysis is now on Discovery News, you can read it HERE!
Crop Circle Investigation in Skeptical Inquirer Magazine
My column in the current issue of Skeptical Inquirer magazine features an investigation into what was called "the most important genuine crop circle ever discovered." I'm not convinced, and after you read my piece I don't think you will be, either...
Appearance on Project: Archivist Radio Show
I was recently guest on the Project: Archivist show, talking about some of my research and investigations... It's a great show if you haven't heard it. The episode will be out any time now; you can hear it HERE.
Historical Figures Behind Woody Allen’s “Magic in the Moonlight”
My new CFI blog examines some of the historical figures behind Woody Allen's new film "Magic in the Moonlight." You can read it HERE.