Much to my surprise, I'm quoted in a news story about "magnetic children." You can read it HERE.
Crop Circles: A Not-So-Convincing Case
A reader challenged me to explain two especially puzzling crop circles, if they were evidence of alien contact. I took up his challenge and did my best. See what you think, you can read it HERE!
Why Do People Decide to Disappear?
Why do some people decide to just disappear? A closer look at the "malicious missing" in my new blog, you can read it HERE!
My New Book ‘Mysterious New Mexico’ on Front Page of Albuquerque Journal
My new book "Mysterious New Mexico" was recently mentioned on the front page of the Albuquerque Journal!
‘Reall’ Psychic Warns Against ‘Fake’ Psychics
"Real" psychic Sharina Star helpfully explains how to spot all those dangerous, scamming "fake psychics." From the article: "'Beware of someone who is out there that you've never heard of and they make all of these ridiculous claims,' Star advises." Now searching for...
‘Miss Representation’ and the Importance of Valid Statistics
For those who didn't see it, here's my blog on the importance of fact-checking statistics and claims--including those made by people whose causes you support. You can read it HERE.
Solving the Mystery of the Espanola Ghost Video
For those who didn't see it last month I solved the mystery of a "ghost" seen on a police security camera last weekend that went viral. My analysis is on Discovery News, you can see it HERE.
Ghosts: Fact, Fiction, and Folklore
If you believe in ghosts, you're not alone. Cultures all around the world believe in spirits that survive death to live in another realm. In fact, ghosts are among the most widely believed of paranormal phenomena: Millions of people are interested in ghosts, and a...
New Profile of me: “Meet the Actual Ghostbuster!”
The web site FastCompany did a recent profile of me and my work, you can read it HERE.
I’m Profiled on DOGO News: A Real-Life Ghostbuster!
With Halloween rapidly approaching, reports of paranormal sightings will start toescalate as people get into the spirit of the spooky holiday. While most are obvioushoaxes, there are a few reported by people who genuinely believe they haveencountered a ghost or...