Media Literacy

Squaring the Strange #117: Testing Psychic Detectives in Real Time (Part 2)

The new episode of Squaring the Strange is now out, for those who want a break from virus bad news. Celestia, Kenny Biddle, and I tracked psychic detectives's involvement in current cases. In this part 2 of the show, I talk about my examination of a 14-year-old Ohio...

Squaring the Strange # 116: Testing Psychic Detectives in Real Time (Part 1)

The new episode of Squaring the Strange is out! The first of a two-parter, in this episode Celestia and Kenny Biddle each examined recent (then-current) missing person cases and closely examined how psychic detectives "helped" (or interfered) with...

On Russian TV Talking Monsters! “Не факт! Фантастические твари.”

For my Russian-speaking friends, I present my appearance on a Russian television show talking about monster folklore. Though Moscow paid for it, I promise my part (around 19 minutes in) is not Putin's dezinformatsiya, and I got no Shill Rubles for it! You can see it...