Amid a spate of six church fires in the South, people are concerned that the high racial tensions have played a role. While many people suspect that the fires were racially motivated--especially in light of the recent shooting spree at an African-American church in...
Media Literacy
Fugitive ‘Sightings’ Highlight Eyewitness Errors
My article on eyewitness misidentifications and the police search for two escaped escaped prisoners lats month can be found HERE. Both men were later captured (one dead, one alive) but the search was fraught with false reports and sightings....
Mysterious Face Seen in Rock Cliff: Carved or Illusion?
A mysterious face seen in rocks on a small Canadian island: Unlike the infamous "Face on Mars" it might be carved, or it might be a product of human psychology, either way you could call it "man-made"... you can read my analysis HERE.
Parents’, Kids’ Weight Denial Contributes to Obesity Epidemic
"Fat denial" by parents (and sometimes by kids themselves) is a significant contributor to the prevalence of childhood obesity. A lot of parents don't (or refuse to) recognize that their kids are overweight, and in fact many adults underestimate their own weight; my...
‘Kentucky Fried Rat’ Urban Legend Resurfaces
My new article on KFC urban legends, and how a piece of chicken can look like a fried rat, is up at Discovery News, you can read it HERE. It's an interesting blend of psychology, folklore, and culture...
Mysterious Rain of Lampreys in Alaska
Several foot-long lampreys have apparently fallen out the sky recently in Fairbanks, Alaska. They’ve been found in a shopping center parking lot and on lawns, and residents are unnerved by the creepy, toothed eel-like fish. You can read my analysis about it HERE.
Mysterious Clumps of Worms Line Texas Highways
Mysterious clumps of worms appeared along the center lines on a Texas highway a few weeks ago... Officials were stumped, but Sharon Hill and I offer some skeptical analysis. Check it out, you can find it HERE.
Guest Appearance on the “After Dark Radio Show”
I was a guest on the "After Dark Radio Show" recently, talking about everything from ghost hunting pseudoscience to the 1967 Patterson Bigfoot film to the nature of skepticism. Check it out, you can read it HERE.
New CFI Blog: Asmodeus, Stanley Fish, and the Fiction of Privacy
Governments spying on citizens has been a perpetual boogeyman for many Americans, and the topic is in the news once again. In my new blog on the subject of privacy I discuss the medieval Peeping Tom demon Asmodeus and some myths about the seemingly sacred principle of...
Misleading Infographic Circulates for ‘Mosquito Week’
Earlier this month an infographic circulated on social media comparing the number of people killed by different animals. By far the highest of the group was mosquitoes, and that's not only misleading, it's simply wrong. I've traveled extensively in South America and...