Why do some people decide to just disappear? A closer look at the "malicious missing" in my new blog, you can read it HERE!
Media Literacy
My New Book ‘Mysterious New Mexico’ on Front Page of Albuquerque Journal
My new book "Mysterious New Mexico" was recently mentioned on the front page of the Albuquerque Journal!
Why the Pope Shuns Creationism But Embraces Exorcism
My recent article on why the Pope endorses evolution while at the same time reaffirming belief in demonic possession. He's got one foot in the 21st century and one foot in the Middle Ages. Here's why; you can read it HERE.
‘Miss Representation’ and the Importance of Valid Statistics
For those who didn't see it, here's my blog on the importance of fact-checking statistics and claims--including those made by people whose causes you support. You can read it HERE.
New Profile of me: “Meet the Actual Ghostbuster!”
The web site FastCompany did a recent profile of me and my work, you can read it HERE.
I’m Profiled on DOGO News: A Real-Life Ghostbuster!
With Halloween rapidly approaching, reports of paranormal sightings will start toescalate as people get into the spirit of the spooky holiday. While most are obvioushoaxes, there are a few reported by people who genuinely believe they haveencountered a ghost or...
The Science (and Non-Science) of the Ouija Board
The Oujia board, also known as a witch board or spirit board, is simple and elegant. The board itself is printed with letters and numbers, while a roughly heart-shaped device called a planchette slides over the board. The game was created in the 1890s and sold to...
‘Miss Representation’ Film and The Importance of Good Statistics
In my many years of writing articles and occasionally fact-checking news media reports (see, for example, much of my book Media Mythmakers: How Journalists, Activists, and Advertisers Mislead Us), I'm continually baffled by the defensive stance that people often take...
Study Finds Weight Discrimination Surprisingly Rare
Encouraging new study finds that weight discrimination is rare, not common: Most people report experiencing no harassment, insults, or boorish behavior due to their weight, and only 5% report being discriminated against because of their body size. You can read my...
Why is Ebola So Scary?
Why is Ebola so scary? For various interesting psychological and sociological reasons... My new article on it for Discovery News is HERE.