A scientific research program based in Alaska is shutting down, much to the relief of many conspiracy theorists who believe it has been used as a global super-weapon. You can read my article on Discovery News HERE.
Media Literacy
What’s Behind Reports of Supernatural Sex?
Last year it was pop superstar Kesha; now it’s actress Natasha Blasick — star of “Paranormal Activity 2″ — coming forward to talk about her sexual experiences. What's behind reports of supernatural sex? You can read more HERE.
Sharon Hill of Doubtful News Seeks Patrons: Help Skepticism For $2 a Month!
If you like Doubtful News and Sharon Hill's skeptical outreach and efforts at public education, please consider donating a few dollars a month to supporting her work. You can find out more HERE.
The Riddle of Twin Telepathy
Do twins really share a psychic connection? It's a common claim, but there may be more (and less) to it than meets the eye. You can read my new article on it HERE.
Sandy Hook Conspiracy Theorists Target Newtown School Board
Sandy Hook conspiracy theorists shut down by school board--and other conspiracy folks who taunt and harass tragedy victims. "Hounding a pioneering astronaut is one thing, but it takes a particularly callous conspiracy theorist to look the parent of a murdered child in...
‘Chemtrail’ Conspiracy Theories: New Evidence?
For many years conspiracy theorists claimed the government conducts top secret chemical testing in the skies above us. As evidence they point to “chemtrails” — actually ordinary airplane contrails, or condensation trails — that, it’s claimed, have some sinister...
Why Are People Affected by the Moon?
I'm quoted in a recent piece on AmericanLiveWire discussing moon myths and superstitions: Benjamin Radford, Bad Science columnist, elaborates: “If police and doctors are expecting that full moon nights will be more hectic, they may interpret an ordinary night’s...
Plane Stowaway Case Details Kept Secret Over Copycat Fears
The recent story of a California teenager who flew to Hawaii stowed away in an airplane wheel well made international news. But you only heard part of the story. HERE's why.
Haunted Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall: Paranormal investigation and ‘Oculus’
There is a long history of folklore and legends about magical mirrors, ranging from the Bloody Mary urban legends to the sycophantic mirror in Snow White to the centuries-old practice of covering mirrors in the room of a dying person lest either Death or the Devil be...
American Couple in Qatar Convicted of Killing Daughter for Organs
A scary update on a tragic story I wrote about a few months ago: An Asian-American couple has been found guilty of killing their daughter to sell her organs. Belief in rumors and urban legends can have very bad consequences.... You can read the story HERE.