Did you see the miniseries "Your Bleeped Up Brain" with me, Richard Wiseman, and Jeff Wise? Very entertaining and well worth your time to watch (4 episodes, 45 minutes each). And still available to watch commercial free from the History Channel HERE. Check it out!
Media Literacy
My LiveScience.com article on Mokele-Mbembe, ‘Africa’s Dinosaur’
While dinosaurs have intrigued people all over the world, central Africa is unique in that it is the only place where many people really believe they may still exist. You can read my new piece on this monster HERE!
The Sandy Hook Shooting Conspiracy: Was Shooter’s Death Certificate Faked?
Conspiracies swirled around the Sandy Hook shooting last year. One of them is that the death certificate for the shooter was faked. What's behind it? Find out HERE.
The ‘Eyeball Licking’ Fad and other Media Scares
A “weird news” story circulated in June about a trend among Japanese schoolchildren licking each other’s eyeballs and supposedly spreading the highly contagious disease pink eye. But was it too good to be true? Find out HERE.
New Issue: Book Plagiarism and Whether Psychics Could Have Stopped the Boston Bombing!
If you haven't seen the new issue of Skeptical Inquirer magazine, you're missing out! I have a feature article on plagiarism I found in a book about vampires from a famous publisher, and a column about whether accurate psychic information could have stopped the Boston...
Mysterious Mummy Statue Spins on Its Own: Ghost, Curse, or Physics?
An ancient statue in a British museum was caught on camera turning in its locked display case last week, and it’s unnerving many people. My in-depth analysis of the strange case is HERE.
How I Covered the Bangladesh Toilet Ghost Hysteria Story
I'm sometimes asked for insight into how my articles and columns come about, what the process is for assembling them. HERE's one recent example....
Seattle Woman Ends Spiritual Fasting Experiment, Decides She Should Eat
A woman in Seattle who believes she can live on air, sunlight, and water decided last week that she should eat food after all, and has stopped her social and spiritual “experiment.” I wrote a piece for Discovery News, you can read the story HERE.
‘The Secret’, Pseudoscience, and the Law of Attraction
I'm quoted in a new Salon.com article about the (pseudoscientific) Law of Attraction and the bestselling pap "The Secret"... You can read it HERE.
Psychic Ordered to Pay $7 Million in Lawsuit
This is a story I originally covered for Discovery News from the start: The owners of a Texas ranch raided by police based on a psychic’s bogus information about a massacre have sued the psychic, winning a $6.8 million judgment. You can read the story HERE.