A boring new study published in PLoS-ONE has riled critics who read sexism into it where none exists. Blame poor journalism and ill-informed, knee-jerk reactions by people attacking things they never bothered to read. You can read my piece on Discovery News.
Media Literacy
Interview with Noah Nez, Native Skeptic
I first heard about the Native Skeptic from Desiree Schell, the host of the Skeptically Speaking podcast. She mentioned a writer named Noah Nez who blogs about skepticism within the Native American community; you can read his blog HERE. I interviewed Nez for the...
My new Skeptical Inquiree Column: Lessons from a Denver Fly
In my column appearing in the current issue of Skeptical Inquirer magazine, I discuss some of the broader lessons about skepticism and investigation that arose during the recent Denver fly/UFO fiasco. Check it out, it's on newsstands now!
False Sightings of Fugitive Chris Dorner Raise Issues of Eyewitness Reliability
Last week the manhunt for accused serial killer Chris Dorner ended in a fiery mountain cabin. But during the manhunt for the ex-cop, police received dozens of false eyewitness reports of the ex-cop in dozens of places around Southern California; read more about it in...
New Bigfoot DNA Study’s Goals to Get Gov’t Protection for “Sasquatch People”
In the second of my recent articles on the new Bigfoot DNA study, I discuss the author's ultimate goal: To get legal protection for Bigfoot. You can read it HERE.
Crop Circles Explained
My overview article on crop circles was recently posted at LiveScience.com! You can read it HERE.
Are Ghosts Real? Science Says No!
My overview on ghosts was recently published at LiveScience.com, drawing quite a bit of reaction from skeptics and believers alike! "The evidence for ghosts is no better today than it was a year ago, a decade ago, or a century ago. There are two possible reasons for...
Why Sandy Hook Massacre Spawned Conspiracy Theories
One of my most controversial columns, I was asked to discuss the Sandy Hook conspiracy theories. Last I checked it drew nearly 20,000 comments! You can read it HERE.
Guest Appearance on Project: Archivist
I was recently interviewed by the great guys at the Project: Archivist podcast, talking about cults in general and doomsday cults specifically. I'll post a link once the show's out!
“Alien” Deformed Skulls Found in Mexican Deserts
Archaeologists digging near Mexico's Sonora desert have discovered what appears to be the burial ground of an early Mesoamerican society, including signs of deformed skulls. Some suspect aliens are at work; you can read the story HERE.