I have recently been asked to write a series of reference articles for LiveScience.com about some of the world's great mysteries. You can find a recent one on the Bermuda Triangle...HERE.
Media Literacy
Crop Circle Appears in Washington State
When a four-part crop circle pattern roughly resembling a Mickey Mouse head appeared last week in a wheat field outside of Seattle, Wash., farmers Greg and Cindy Geib were surprised — but not shocked... You can read the full story HERE.
Quoted in the Plain Dealer on Racial Bias in New Reporting
I'm quoted in the Cleveland Plain Dealer on racial bias in news reports: "As author Benjamin Radford wrote last year in an analysis for Discovery News, 'If you disappear, you better hope you're young, white, female and cute, or the media may not care.'" You can read...
Guest Speaking at Dragon*Con
I have once again been invited to speak at Dragon*Con's Skeptic Track this year, giving talks about ghosts, paranormal investigation, critical thinking, and skepticism--as well as my famous Scientific Paranormal Investigations workshop. It's held Labor Day weekend in...
AIDS-Infected Needles: Urban Legend or Terror Threat?
Needles found in airline food last week have raised concern over the threat of AIDS and other diseases, but how serious is the danger? Find out HERE.
Judge Overturns Fortunetelling Ban on Freedom of Speech Grounds
Last week a federal judge in Alexandria, Louisiana, overturned a law banning fortunetelling on the basis that it is free speech protected by the First Amendment. U.S. District Judge Dee Drell struck down an ordinance outlawing fortunetelling, astrology, palm reading,...
Guest Speaker at TAM, The Amaz!ng Meeting, Las Vegas
I will be appearing this weekend at TAM, the annual meeting of the James Randi Educational Foundation, in Las Vegas. I will be participating in a workshop on conducting scientific paranormal investigation, along with my MonsterTalk podcast co-hosts Dr. Karen...
New issue of Bent Spoon magazine now out
A new issue of The Bent Spoon-- "A Skeptical Magazine for the True Believer" is now out. It's the one-year anniversary issue, and has lots of cool and interesting articles on a wide variety of paranormal topics. And I've got an article about the importance of asking...
“Tracking the Chupacabra” reviewed in “The Latin Americanist” scholarly journal
A review of my book Tracking the Chupacabra appears in "The Latin Americanist" journal (56:2); it's not available online yet but when I get some excerpts (good or bad), I'll post them. You can see the issue HERE.
Mass Hysteria Confirmed at New York School
A bizarre illness affecting nearly 20 students at a Western New York Junior-Senior High school now has an official diagnosis: mass hysteria.The students, almost all of them girls, and mostly friends, began experiencing involuntary jerks and tics. Sometimes their...