I recently wrote a piece on the Center for Inquiry blogs about people being unable or unwilling to read. A lot of the time people simply don’t read--and this hold implications for both skepticism and public discourse. If you choose to, you can read it HERE.
Media Literacy
Appearance at Minnesota State University-Mankato, April 12
I will be speaking at the Minnesota State University-Mankato, on the evening of April 12. More details to come! The Psychic and the Serial Killer: Examining the Best Case for Psychic Detectives When a serial killer struck in 1982 New Jersey, a psychic detective...
My Article on ‘Pink Slime’ Quoted in Discover Blog
Pulitzer-prize winning writer Deborah Blum mentioned my work in her recent Discover Magazine blog on Pink Slime... you can read it HERE!
Quoted in an NPR Story About Prophecy–And the Farmer’s Almanac
There's been something wacky with the weather this winter, and many forecasters never saw it coming. Among them was The Old Farmer's Almanac, the quirky, centuries-old mix of historical data, prognostications and folk wisdom. Millions of people consult the almanac,...
Controversial ESP Study Fails Replication
A study published last year in a scientific journal claimed to have found strong evidence for the existence of psychic powers such as ESP. The paper, written by Cornell professor Daryl J. Bem, was published in The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology and...
Appearance at Anaheim’s Fullerton College This Weekend: Media Literacy, Science, Ghost Hunters, and Bigfoot!
I will be speaking at Fullerton College in Anaheim, California, on Friday March 23 and Saturday March 24. The topic will be Media Literacy, Science, Ghost Hunters, and Bigfoot. Join Discovery News writer/investigator Benjamin Radford for a presentation about the...
Quoted in the Washington Post on the Ides of March…
Maura Judkis of the Washington Post quoted me on superstitions: “People will come to believe a date is ‘bad’ or unlucky and will focus on anything that goes wrong on that day,” wrote Benjamin Radford... “In that way, it becomes kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy: You...
Ben Radford, Romantic Hero, Appears in Manga Comics
I'm in manga! Check out the teaser for the manga comic AKAI KAMI WA YUUWAKU NO SHIRUSH. "Ben Radford thought Kay Napier was a fortune hunter, out to get the Endacott family fortune by posing as the long lost Kimberley Endacott. Kay just wanted to know whether or not...
Sign Up for My Free Paranormal Investigation E-Mail Course!
In cooperation with my friends at MailBoxBlack, I have created a free 10-part introduction to the basics of Scientific Paranormal Investigation for those who are interested in my research, book, and workshops of the same name. It will give you a taste of the process...
Sexual Harassment in Schools Survey: Analysis of Alarmism
I recently heard about a new report claiming that half of students in grades 7 through 12 reported being sexually harassed in school. Having analyzed many media claims before (and written a book titled Media Mythmakers: How Journalists, Activists, and Advertisers...