I'm honored and delighted to see that my paranormal investigation book is often bought along with one of the all-time great skeptical books by one of my heroes, Carl Sagan. From Amazon.com:
Commentary: Burning the Mean and Disparaging Skeptic Straw Man
"Does “skeptic” equal nasty, obnoxious and shouty? No? Then why do we get automatically tagged with those characteristics even when we are not? The word carries some connotations. But that ought not bar an exchange between skeptics and believers. We have some bridges...
Is Recent Obesity Study Sexist?
A boring new study published in PLoS-ONE has riled critics who read sexism into it where none exists. Blame poor journalism and ill-informed, knee-jerk reactions by people attacking things they never bothered to read. You can read my piece on Discovery News.
Experienced Hunter, ‘Sure’ He Sighted a Bear, Kills Man
Eyewitness reliability story: Hunter with 60 years of experience "was sure he was shooting a bear" when he killed a man. Bigfoot, ghost, & UFO witnesses tell me all the time they are "absolutely sure" of what they saw... I discuss similar tragic incidents in my...
Why Coffee Doesn’t Go in Your Butt
Recently I was asked by Discovery News to explain to the public why coffee doesn't go in your butt. Yep, this is what my life has come to; at least I got to debunk a few urban legends. You can read it HERE.
False Sightings of Fugitive Chris Dorner Raise Issues of Eyewitness Reliability
Last week the manhunt for accused serial killer Chris Dorner ended in a fiery mountain cabin. But during the manhunt for the ex-cop, police received dozens of false eyewitness reports of the ex-cop in dozens of places around Southern California; read more about it in...
New Bigfoot DNA Study’s Goals to Get Gov’t Protection for “Sasquatch People”
In the second of my recent articles on the new Bigfoot DNA study, I discuss the author's ultimate goal: To get legal protection for Bigfoot. You can read it HERE.
My article on Bigfoot DNA is on NBC News
I recently wrote several pieces about the long-awaited "Bigfoot DNA" study; one discussing the analysis, on NBC News, can be read HERE.
Why Sandy Hook Massacre Spawned Conspiracy Theories
One of my most controversial columns, I was asked to discuss the Sandy Hook conspiracy theories. Last I checked it drew nearly 20,000 comments! You can read it HERE.
My Recent Appearance on NPR- Arizona Public Media
I was interviewed on NPR about ghosts and ghost hunting around Halloween. The audio of that interview is now available: Link to the Halloween recording: https://www.azpm.org/s/11359-the-5th-annual-haunted-halloween-arizona-spotlight/