In the new action thriller "Lucy" from writer and director Luc Besson, Scarlett Johansson plays a drug mule whose body is implanted with a substance that begins to seep into her bloodstream and affect her body — most importantly her brain. And therein lies the...
My Dowsing Article Quoted by Southern California Public Radio
My recent article on water dowsing was quoted by Southern California Public Radio... You can see the story HERE.
Hidden Danger of Acupuncture: Tuberculosis
My article on a hidden danger of acupuncture: It can spread tuberculosis--and why the cost vs. benefit analysis suggests acupuncture should not be used... You can read the piece HERE.
$40 Million and 3 Months Later, Flight 370 Remains Lost
In theory, it seems it should be nearly impossible to lose track of a commercial airplane in flight: with sophisticated radar and satellite tracking, it would take a catastrophic series of system failures for a flight to simply disappear without a trace. Yet Flight...
Flight 370 Still Missing After 3 Months and $40 Million
My new piece reflecting on the 3 month, $40 million futile search for Flight 370 can be seen HERE.
Globsters: Mysterious Marine Monster Masses
What monsters may lurk deep in our oceans? We feel fairly safe on dry, familiar land, where dangerous animals can usually be seen and avoided. But since men first took to sea thousands of years ago, legends and stories have been told of fearsome marine monsters that...
Haunted Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall: Paranormal investigation and ‘Oculus’
There is a long history of folklore and legends about magical mirrors, ranging from the Bloody Mary urban legends to the sycophantic mirror in Snow White to the centuries-old practice of covering mirrors in the room of a dying person lest either Death or the Devil be...
Update on the “Texas Chupa-raccoon”
My article on a recent "Texas chupacabra" recently made the front page of Yahoo! News... You can read the story HERE.
Do Cell Phone ‘Radiation Shields’ Work?
Cell-phone shields may do little to protect you -- and scientists say they're unnecessary. My brief investigation into a company that took out a full page ad in the New York Times Science(!) section can be read HERE.
Debunking the ‘Oil Pulling’ Medical Pseudoscience
The latest health fad making the rounds is something called “oil pulling,” an ancient Indian practice in which people cleanse their mouths (and bodies) of toxins by swishing a vegetable oil (such as olive, coconut, or sunflower) in the mouth for 20 minutes and then...