I was interviewed last week by a reporter for the Columbus Dispatch on ghost hunting science and pseudoscience. It seems a local ghost hunting team asked him to participate in a ghost hunt, and he wanted the real deal on the science end of things. You can read it...
Haters, Bias, and Skeptical Inquiry
“If all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little printed.” –Benjamin Franklin I was recently and publicly called a “fat hater” on Facebook by someone I know. It was in response to an...
Reaction to Faster Than Light Claims Expose Anti-Skeptic Myth
One of the most common charges leveled against skeptics and scientists is that they refuse to acknowledge the existence of paranormal phenomenon (psychic abilities, ghosts, extraterrestrial visitors, etc.) because it would destroy their worldview. Skeptics and...