I was recently a guest on the Squatch Talk show, talking about Bigfoot sightings, evidence, skepticism, and much more. It was a fun conversation, and since the host's internet went out, we will be doing a Part 2! Check it out HERE! Also we briefly talked about...

Misha and the Wolves: Truth, Fiction, and The Perils of False Memoir
My new article is about the new Netflix documentary 'Misha and the Wolves,' which examines a famous and bizarre literary hoax: A woman claimed to have walked across Europe and been raised by a wolf pack while searching for her parents during the Holocaust. Her book...
Squaring the Strange #155: Episode 155 – The Soothing Sounds of Woo: Vibrational and Sound Healing
New episode of Squaring the Strange is out! We discuss the recent Snopes plagiarism revelations and put it into context, and then look at sound therapy and vibrational healing. If you're not quite sure what "Vibrational Medicine" is, join the club! You can listen HERE!
I’m a Guest on ‘Something to Sasquatch About’!
I'm a guest on the "Something to Sasquatch About" show! We talked about the evidence for Bigfoot, the nature of skepticism, why the 1967 Patterson/Gimlin film hasn't been replicated, the lack of quality control in Bigfoot research, the "Bigfoot Butt Print" cast, and...
Squaring the Strange #153 – Brian Regal Talks Pseudoscience and Pseudohistory!
Did you hear our recent episode of Squaring the Strange? We talk a bit on the resurgence of dowsing and announce some upcoming appearances... then we sit down with guest Prof. Brian Regal, who takes us on a tour of pseudoscience and pseudohistory. Learn how...
Desperation and Drought Draw Dubious Dowsers
Times of social stress, hardship, and uncertainty spur interest in all kinds of divination and prophecy. The public goes to see psychics and fortunetellers more often in times of economic depression than prosperity, times of loss rather than love. It’s human nature,...
Squaring the Strange # 149: The Beast of Gévaudan with Jay Smith
Our recent episode of Squaring the Strange had as our guest historian Jay Smith, who joins us to talk about the murderous 18th century French monster known as the Beast of Gévaudan, thought by some to be a werewolf, a hyena, or perhaps even some...
I’m Quoted on Ed & Lorraine Warren in ‘The Irish Times’
It seems I am mentioned in 'The Irish Times' talking about some shady demonologists, Ed and Lorraine Warren, whose legacy of exploitation is whitewashed in the Conjuring horror films... Check it out HERE! Want to know more? Check out our Squaring the...
Squaring the Strange #150: Mysterious Masked Musicians!
The new episode of Squaring the Strange is out! Pascual leads us on a fun discussion of MYSTERY MUSICIANS! Celestia starts with the OG mystery musician, a dude who was rumored to live under the Paris opera house, and we look at some folklore and urban legends that...
See My ‘Tracking the Chupacabra’ Talk Live on June 15
Tuesday night the 15th at 5:30 MT / 7:30 ET, I will be giving a live Zoom talk for the Rio Rancho Public Library discussing my research into the famous Hispanic vampire el chupacabra and my book "Tracking the Chupacabra: The Vampire Beast in Fact, Fiction, and...