Squaring the Strange features the JACKALOPE EPISODE! Yes, a favorite kitchy cryptid / hoax / souvenir / tall tale from the American West. Professor Michael Branch discusses his new book and brings us so many jackalope facts you may have to listen twice. Check it out!...
‘North American Monsters’ Wins Award
A book I contributed a chapter (and cover) to won a book award! Congratulation to the other authors and editor David Puglia for winning the Brian McConnell Book Award in folklore for 'North American Monsters'!
Squaring the Strange # 178: You Don’t Know Jack (alopes)! Michael Branch and the Art of the Hoax
For the recent episode of Squaring the Strange we are joined by Professor Michael Branch, who has just released his new book On the Trail of the Jackalope. What began as an idea for a taxidermy correspondence course 90 years ago has blossomed into a cultural...

Chapter in New Book: ‘North American Monsters’
I'm delighted to have contributed a chapter in this new book on the folklore of monsters! I haven't read it yet but many of the other authors are brilliant friends and colleagues, and I'm looking forward to it. Mining a mountain of folklore publications, North...
Searching for Cressie, the Crescent Lake Monster
The UK Skeptics have a fun piece I wrote about investigating Cressie, a lake monster in Newfoundland. Check it out, and for more on this see my book "Lake Monster Mysteries," co-written with Joe Nickell! An excerpt is below, and you can read the rest HERE! ...
A Book of Books about Beasts
Review of Of Books and Beasts: A Cryptozoologist’s Library By Matt Bille The subject of cryptozoology, like many Fortean fields, is plagued by poor scholarship. This is not a dig at the topic, but merely an undeniable and unfortunate fact. Whether the subject is...
Ben and Lake Monsters and… ‘Bob’s Burgers’?
I'm delighted to be mentioned in Russ Dobler's series "The Subtle Skepticism of ‘Bob’s Burgers’! Check out his article HERE!
Chapter in New Book: ‘North American Monsters A Contemporary Legend Casebook’
I'm delighted to have contributed a chapter in this new book on the folklore of monsters! I haven't read it yet but many of the other authors are brilliant friends and colleagues, and I'm looking forward to it. I also did the cover art! Check it out HERE!
Quoted in Chupacabra Article
Nice article on the chupacabra in Mississippi's oldest newspaper that credits my research and book. I'm not even annoyed that they (like many others) used a copyrighted photo of mine. Check it out!
‘Antlers’ and the Wendigo
The new horror film Antlers is set in a decaying Oregon town, where a single father, Frank, is seen with his young son Aiden outside a mine. What at first seems like an innocent father-son bonding moment turns dark, literally and figuratively, as we see that...