For my Russian-speaking friends, I present my appearance on a Russian television show talking about monster folklore. Though Moscow paid for it, I promise my part (around 19 minutes in) is not Putin's dezinformatsiya, and I got no Shill Rubles for it! You can see it...
Equatorial Misinformation Misadventures
I was recently editing a piece by Rob Palmer (perhaps better known as “The Well-Known Skeptic”) on the subject of misinformation he encountered in the middle of the world. Or, put another way, bogus information on the equator in Ecuador (a country named...
Squaring the Strange #114: The Minnesota Iceman
The recent Squaring the Strange is even more awesome than most! We talk with expert Ron Pine about the Minnesota Iceman, a "sasquatchcicle" hoax of truly epic proportions. How did a sideshow gaffe fool two prominent cryptid researchers, and make it all the way to the...
Quoted on Bigfoot in ‘The Mountaineer’
So this is cool: I'm quoted in an article on Bigfoot in The Mountaineer: If you wear a size 14 shoe, chances are some of your high-school classmates called you “Bigfoot.” But that doesn’t mean you are an ape-like beast who may — or may not — just be a...
Coronavirus Myths, Misinformation, And Conspiracies
As the world enters its third full month dealing with the deadly coronavirus, misinformation is running rampant. For many, the medical and epidemiological aspects of the outbreak are the most important and salient elements, but there are other prisms through...
Real Estate Omens and Superstitions
I'm quoted in a new article about real estate omens and superstitions at! "An outdated kitchen and a lack of curb appeal aren't the only things that can keep buyers from biting. When it seems like there's just no explanation for a perfectly good home...
Squaring the Strange #111: Mothman Myths and Mysteries
In case you missed it, our recent show was on the Mothman, a creature first spotted in the 1960s in rural West Virginia. Ben takes us on a tour of the area and discusses his trip there to help research the creature for a German television show. Like many...

A Quick Example Of Quick Debunking
I’ve investigated hundreds—probably thousands—of things in my career as a skeptic and researcher, from misleading polls to chupacabra vampire legends. Some investigations take hours or days; others take weeks or months, and a rare few take years. It all depends on the...
‘Ghost Hunting For Dummies By Zak Bagans—And Many Others’
My buddy Kenny Biddle recently did a great investigation into a new book by TV ghost hunter Zak Bagans. You can read it HERE. Below is an excerpt: I really did not want to read the book this article is about. I know that will likely give away the...
Squaring the Strange #122: Literary Hoaxes
The new episode of Squaring the Strange is about literary hoaxes! I discuss some "misery memoirs," stories of victims triumphing over incredible hardships (Spoiler: "Go Ask Alice" was fiction). Celestia discusses newspaper reports of horny bat-people on the moon, and...