I'm quoted in a news article in the Spanish-language newspaper Clarin on the social and cultural drivers of witchcraft, including at Salem: "Más allá del mito: Las Brujas de Salem, la verdad de la ciencia a 330 años." ¡Léelo ahora!
Mass Hysteria
Squaring the Strange # 148 – Steak-Umms and the 2001 Monkey Man Panic!
For this episode we are joined by a surprise guest, the critical thinker behind the Steak-Umms popular brand voice (aka Nathan Allebach), who talks to us about targeting misinformation as a PR strategy, managing viral posts, and the brand's recent dustup with Neil...

The Monkey Man Panic: 20 Years Later
Twenty years ago last month the capital of India was gripped in a panic. Early reports claimed that some mysterious monkey-like creature attacked many residents in New Delhi, leaving fear, scars, and ultimately even dead bodies in its wake. The Monkey Man, as it came...
Squaring the Strange # 130: The Bangladesh Toilet Ghost: A Study in Mass Hysteria
If you want a break from bad news: The new episode of Squaring the Strange is now out. This week we discuss the Bangladesh Toilet Ghost. Or, rather ONE OF several Bangladeshi toilet ghosts. I bring cultural and social context and a surprising history about factory...
‘Wrinkles the Clown’ Now on DVD and Streaming
If you missed the 2019 documentary I'm in, "Wrinkles the Clown," it's now available on DVD and streaming. It's a fascinating look at a real-life evil clown hired by parents to scare kids--or maybe something else entirely... More info is HERE!
Truths and Myths Behind Halloween Scares
Halloween is coming up soon, and amid the make-believe witches, ghouls, and goblins, there are supposedly real-life villains who hope to harm on children October 31. News reports and scary stories on social media leave many parents concerned about protecting children...
Fear Of The ‘Joker’ Copycats
Late last month police and parents expressed concern over the film Joker, and its possible influence on unhinged people. As ABC News reported, “The soon-to-be released psychological thriller Joker starring Oscar-nominated actor Joaquin Phoenix has...
Rumors of Halloween THC Candy Threats
I'm quoted in a new Rolling Stone article on rumors of THC-laden candy threats this Halloween... You can read it HERE.
Squaring the Strange: Episode 74 – The Pokemon Panic
In the latest in a series highlighting past episodes and archives of Squaring the Strange, here's a look back at a show you might have missed: Episode 74 - The Pokemon Panic. This week we start with a quick look at a dog-buys-cookies story that took Celestia down a...
Squaring the Strange: Monkey Hookers and the Pokemon Panic!
In this recent show we start with a quick look at a dog-buys-cookies story that took Celestia down a path of searching out pet videos and, finally, reading about whether or not monkeys can be taught to understand currency. Then I revisit an investigation I did on the...