Here's my round-up for Discovery News of the Top 10 Solved and Unexplained Mysteries of 2014! You can read it HERE.
Media Literacy
Was Hypnosis to Blame in Bizarre Sex Case?
A woman claims a man hypnotized her into having sex with him. My new article for Discovery News takes a closer look at the truths and myths behind hypnosis, you can find it HERE.
Psychic Causes Airline to Change Flight Numbers! Feat. Shakespeare!
The Brazilian airline TAM recently changed the flight number of one of its planes based on a prediction by a self-proclaimed psychic that the flight was doomed. Why? You can read more HERE.
Little Lies in Service of Big Truths
My recent CFI blog: In early November 2014 a map of Africa went viral, spread widely through social media at time when Ebola fears dominated the news. The map showed an outline of Africa, the bulk of it in light brown and labeled "NO EBOLA," with the West African...
“Encomium for a Chupacabra Slayer”
Delightful midevalist Eve Siebert wrote an encomium for me. I love it! “Hwæt we æglæcena banan in geardagum wyrhta wundra þrym gefrunon, hu se hærleas ellen fremedon. Oft Hrædferhð heard in heortan feaht ða unsoðan feondas mid his meahte wordum. He sloh buccan sugeran...
Why a Young Boy is Claimed To Be Reincarnated Marine
The parents of a four-year-old boy think that he had a past life as Marine killed in 1983. I don't, and you can read why in my new Discovery News article HERE.
I’m Quoted in an Article on ‘Magnetic Children’
Much to my surprise, I'm quoted in a news story about "magnetic children." You can read it HERE.
My Interview on Vampire Lore on Grand Dark Conspiracy Podcast
I was recently interviewed on the Grand Dark Conspiracy Show about the folklore of vampires. You can listen HERE.
Crop Circles: A Not-So-Convincing Case
A reader challenged me to explain two especially puzzling crop circles, if they were evidence of alien contact. I took up his challenge and did my best. See what you think, you can read it HERE!
The “I Am…” Meme; Or, The Commodification of Identity in Social Protest:
The "I Am..." Meme; Or, The Commodification of Identity in Social Protest: "It has become fashionable in recent years for social justice protestors to choose a person who symbolizes a tragic event and then declare to the world that they are that person...." You can...