My new blog is a brief recounting of what happens when the goals and demands of skepticism collide with the goals and demands of TV production. You can read the piece HERE.
Media Literacy
I’m quoted in a story on International Science Times on Bigfoot DNA
I'm quoted in a story on International Science Times--and the piece has a bit of interesting background about Ketchum, who made the new Bigfoot DNA claims... You can read it HERE.
Gallup Poll Debunks Weight Myths
A new Gallup poll has found that as our waistlines increase, so does our perceptions of our ideal weight. And it also found that despite two-thirds of Americans being overweight or obese, the majority of us say their weight is 'about right." Read the whole story...
My Article on Ads in New James Bond film on Yahoo News
Advertisers spent tens of millions of dollars for the chance to be in the new Bond film Skyfall. But is it worth it? After all, just because James Bond is seen driving a particular type of car, or drinking a particular brand of beer doesn't mean that audiences will...
Interview About Sex Demons on the Project: Archivist podcast
I was recently interviewed by the guys on the Project:Archivist podcast, discussing sex demons in world folklore. You can hear the interview HERE.
Free 10-part Scientific Paranormal Investigation Course
Did you know that I created a free 10-part e-mail course on the basics of scientific paranormal investigation? Even if you've taken my workshop or read my award-nominated book "Scientific Paranormal Investigation," you'll probably learn something new &...
I’m quoted in the Columbia Journalism Review…
I'm (briefly) quoted in the Columbia Journalism Review commenting on the "pink slime" scare... You can read the story HERE.
Zak Bagans “Ghost Adventures” Exploits Tragic Suicide
Ghost hunter Zak Bagans of "Ghost Adventures" TV show exploits a troubled actor's tragic suicide to promote his music career. You can read the story HERE.
I’m quoted in an article in “The Journal of Water Law”
I'm quoted discussing water scarcity in an article in The Journal of Water Law, talking about the myth that there is a water shortage on Earth. You can read the article HERE.
Talk at University of South Florida on 10/16: Scientific Paranormal Investigation
I will be speaking at the University of South Florida on Tuesday Oct. 16th at 7 pm on "Reflections on a Decade of Paranormal Investigation." There will be a wine and cheese reception at 6:30, with a book signing and Q&A afterwards. Skeptics and believers are...