Squaring the Strange

Squaring the Strange # 116: Testing Psychic Detectives in Real Time (Part 1)

The new episode of Squaring the Strange is out! The first of a two-parter, in this episode Celestia and Kenny Biddle each examined recent (then-current) missing person cases and closely examined how psychic detectives "helped" (or interfered) with...

Squaring the Strange #1-something: Penis Castles, Teletubby Purses, and Suicidal Larpers

This week we were joined by Erik Kristopher Myers to discuss a short history of a particular sort of easter egg: the dreaded "hidden subversive element" stuck into a kids' show or game, either by a perverse animator or a much more sinister coalition bent on corrupting...

Squaring the Strange #102: Alienstock, Joker Fears, Homicidal Dwarves, and the Ica Stones

In case you missed it, our recent episode of Squaring the Strange has all sorts of weirdness!   From Celestia:  Ben recounts his latest TV appearance and chupacabra follow-up. The AlienStock / Storm Area 51 thing happened, or tried to happen. And two movies...