MUFON, the world's largest UFO organization, claims that there has been a spike in UFO reports. My discussion of UFO reports and flaps appeared on MSNBC and can be found HERE.
The History and Psychology of Vaccine Deniers
Recently Michelle Bachmann claimed that HPV vaccines can cause mental retardation, though the American Medical Association and others dispute this and say she is completely wrong. Doctors struggle to combat not only diseases but the spread of myths veiled as facts...
How Did 9/11 Change American Entertainment?
A decade ago this week, while many were still reeling from the staggering and devious devastation of the September 11, 2001, attacks, some in the news and entertainment industries tried to divine the public's reaction.There was much speculation about how the tragedy...
Interviewed by E! Online’s “Answer Bitch” About British Ghosts
When a reader asked E! Online's "Answer Bitch" the following question: "Is it true that Prince William's house is haunted? Have they seen any ghosts?" The Bitch knew right where to come for anwers! You can read the whole bitchin' piece HERE!
‘Contagion’ Film and Vaccine Deniers
The new medical thriller Contagion features Jude Law as a conspiracy theorist anti-vaccination blogger. Here's a short history of anti-vaccination advocates, their tactics and motives. You can read the story at
Interviewed About the Chupacabra by Arizona Public Media
I was recently interviewed about my five-year investigation of the chupacabra and the resulting book Tracking the Chupacabra: The Vampire Beast in Fact, Fiction, and Folklore, on Arizona Public Media. The interview appeared on the radio show Arizona Spotlight, and...
How To Kill a Vampire
Everyone knows how to kill a fictional vampire — a stake through the heart — but does that apply to "real" vampires as well? With so many different claims about vampires, what's a wannabe Buffy to do? The most important issue is to know some of the "rules." Read...
Dragon*Con Skeptics Track Panels
As many of you know, I will once again be appearing later this week at the infamous Dragon*Con conference in Atlanta. In addition to my Scientific Paranormal Investigations Workshops (see earlier post), I will be appearing on the following panels: Title: Ghosts...
ABC News Carries My Expose of Psychics
ABC News recently carried a piece I wrote about the failure of psychic detectives, and the James Randi Educational Foundation's $1 Million Challenge. I'm especially proud of the article because it goes in some depth about psychic claims, and credits Randi for his...
Chupacabra Article in The Bent Spoon Magazine
The latest issue of The Bent Spoon magazine ("The Skeptical Magazine for the True Believer") is now out, and this issue's topic is cryptozoology-- the search for monsters and hidden animals. It includes articles and interviews with Ken Gerhard, Blake Smith, Jason...