Review of Of Books and Beasts: A Cryptozoologist’s Library By Matt Bille The subject of cryptozoology, like many Fortean fields, is plagued by poor scholarship. This is not a dig at the topic, but merely an undeniable and unfortunate fact. Whether the subject is...
Quoted, along with Tim Burton, Albert Camus, and Michel Foucault!
I'm quoted, along with Tim Burton, Albert Camus, and Michel Foucault, in a new journal article on media education. Good company, I suppose...
‘Big–If True: Adventures in Oddity’ reviewed!
There's a lovely review of my new book Big-If True: Adventures in Oddity at AIPTComics: "The perfect book for anyone that loves diving into mysteries or enjoys a good investigation. It’s a very quick read, easily broken up into chapters, or even chunks at a time....
New Book ‘Big If True’ Reviewed on ‘Adventures in Poor Taste’!
The delightful website Adventures in Poor Taste has a nice review of my new book Big--If True! Check it out HERE!
Squaring the Strange #138: – Insurrection Wednesday and an Antivax Primer
In the recent episode of Squaring the Strange we discuss the Capitol rioters, then debunk many vaccine fears including about Andrew Wakefield's bogus MMR-autism link study and myths about Covid vaccine harms. Check it out HERE!
Squaring the Strange #139: 2020 Hindsight!
In the new episode of Squaring the Strange we look back at some of our favourite episodes of 2020. I know you probably want to forget last year... but check it out anyway, we had some great shows!
Adventures in Poor Taste Reviews ‘Tracking the Chupacabra’
I'm far too modest to mention it, but there's a nice new review of my chupacabra book on the Adventures in Poor Taste website... you can find it HERE.
Holocaust Denial Headlines: Hatred, Ignorance, Or Innumeracy?
Americans, like everyone else, should ideally be more educated about history (and everything else). But no, a recent poll doesn't reveal that a significant percentage of Americans either deny the Holocaust or are largely ignorant about it. Here's a media literacy take...
‘Extra Ordinary’: Fantastic Phantasm Fun
Extra Ordinary, a gloriously amusing Irish romantic comedy about the supernatural, begins with the obligatory, winking tagline “Based on a true story.” The ghost hunting genre is both ripe for satire and difficult to satirize effectively because it’s so self-evidently...

The Lighthouse: A Fog of Madness and Superstition
The new genre-bending film The Lighthouse is hard to describe. I’ve seen it mentioned as everything from a horror film to a dark comedy to a psychological thriller. I can’t really tell you what it is, but I can tell you what it’s about, and why you should...