"This episode we discuss the otherworldly monolith that's popped up in a remote part of Utah, and Ben shares another in his series of "used book mysteries," this one perfectly timed for the election. For our main segment, we have a lengthy discussion with newly minted...
Plandemic At Six Months: Publicity Stunt’s Conspiracy Claims Prove False
In early May 2020, a YouTube video titled Plandemic was released by Mikki Willis (credited onscreen as “father/filmaker”[sic]) that featured a lengthy interview with virologist Judy Mikovits, who offered scattershot conspiracy-laden assertions about the...
Flashback: ‘Scientific Paranormal Investigation’ in the ‘TAPS Paramagazine’
When my book “Scientific Paranormal Investigation” was published in 2010 I took out a full page ad in the T.A.P.S. (“Ghost Hunters” TV show) magazine. I figured their audience needed my book more than anyone...
Squaring the Strange # 136 – Leo Igwe on Witchcraft Persecution in Africa
The new episode of Squaring the Strange is out! First we discuss "monolith mania" then for our main segment we bring back Dr. Leo Igwe, who has fought to protect people accused of witchcraft in Africa and elsewhere. Please check it out, you can listen to it...
Shaman Or Showman: The Illusory Ineffability Of Donald Trump
In my line of work, I routinely encounter events said to be inexplicable. They’re not merely amazing or incredible but downright unexplained. At times the topics I research are even said to be “beyond science” (whatever that would mean)....
Squaring the Strange #134: he Ghost Army and Military Deceptio
For a episode of Squaring the Strange we have a discussion on the legendary "Ghost Army" of WWII. These very alive flesh-and-blood soldiers were plucked from art schools and theater groups, and their very dangerous job was to hoax their way across Europe and put on...
Quoted in a Vox article: ‘Conspiracies Explained’
It seems I'm quoted in a new article on conspiracy theories, including Covid-19 and QAnon. (Or at least that's what I *want* you to think...) You can check it out HERE!

New book: Big—If True: Adventures in Oddity
Big—If True is a collection of my Skeptical Inquirer magazine columns, guiding readers on a science-based (yet open-minded) examination of 70 fascinating and mysterious topics. Drawing on two decades of first-hand research, Big—If Trueexamines dozens of mysteries...

Signed and numbered limited edition of Big—If True!
As I did with previous books I’m offering the first 50 copies of my new book Big—If True for pre-sale. Big—If True is a collection of my Skeptical Inquirer magazine columns, guiding readers on a science-based (yet open-minded) examination of 70 fascinating and...
Squaring the Strange # 132 – Pop Music Plagiarism, from Vanilla Ice to Alien Globolinks
New episode of Squaring the Strange! Pascual takes the helm and steers us into some weird audio territory... We use a few pop music lawsuits as a jumping-off point to examine what originality even IS when it comes to creativity and how to put music together. Is a...