During the first presidential debate, moderator Chris Wallace mischaracterized Kamala Harris's concerns about vaccinations under Trump. I wrote about it recently: "Harris did not promote any conspiracy theory; she chose her words carefully: '*If* the past is prologue,...
My Appearance Talking Dragon Folklore on ‘Cheddar Reveals’
In case you missed my appearance on the TV show "Cheddar Reveals" talking about dragons and other monster folklore, you can watch it HERE!
Phantom Clown Panics Talk for the Folklore Podcast
I recently gave a live presentation on Phantom Clown Panics for the Folklore Podcast. Cost is a reasonable £5, which supports the podcast... Most evil clowns are fictional, but some bad clowns are reported to roam streets and parks looking for innocent children to...
On the Dos Spookqueños Show Talking New Mexico Mysteries
I was recently interviewed on the Dos Spookqueños show, talking about ghost investigations, New Mexico mysteries, and other weirdness. Check it out HERE! You can find more on me and my work with a search for "Benjamin Radford" (not "Ben Radford") on Vimeo,...
When Anti-Vaccination Fears Come From Inside The House
My new article is on why some progressives have recently joined conservatives and conspiracy mongers in promoting vaccination fears: "The chorus of those raising fears about vaccine safety (for whatever reason ranging from genuine fears to belief in conspiracies to...
Squaring the Strange # 127: Susan Gerbic on Misinfo, Wikipedia, and Psychic Shananigans
In cause you missed the recent episode: Susan Gerbic, of Guerilla Skepticism on Wikipedia, joins us to bring us up to date on her recent psychic research and writings, as well as her team's ongoing efforts in shoring up the information on various Wikipedia pages in...
Guest on ‘Cheddar Reveals’: Folklore of Dragons and Monsters
In case you missed my appearance on the TV show "Cheddar Reveals" talking about dragons and other monster folklore, you can watch it HERE!
Squaring the Strange # 128 – ¡Feliz Cumpleaños, el Chupacabra!
New episode of Squaring the Strange! This month is the 25th anniversary of the emergence of our favorite beastie, the chupacabra! We discuss the past, present, and future of this little vampiric critter . . . as well as disappearing mailboxes and what the media's "not...

Labyrinths and New Age Feminism
Across America—and indeed across the world—curious designs are appearing on the landscape. The patterns have spread from back yards to churches, public parks, and even medical centers. Thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of people have created and used the...
‘Covid Parties’ Rumor Resurfaces
For those who didn't see my previous posts on so-called "cover parties," here's an overview: Recent rumors and news reports have circulated claiming that COVID-19 is being spread intentionally in clandestine “covid parties.” In mid-March, Kentucky...