by Admin | Aug 10, 2008 | Playing Gods
My friend Patty and my next door neighbor came over and helped me pack figurines into boxes for 3 hours. It would have taken me five hours, that’s what friends are for. I’m feeling relieved to finally have the pieces in boxes and ready to go. 17 days until D-Day,...
by Admin | Aug 9, 2008 | Playing Gods
Began reading a book called Blasphemy: Verbal Offenses Against the Sacred, From Moses to Salman Rushdie, by Leonard Levy. It’s been on my shelf for years, but I figured it was time to bone up on it, as it’s possible I’ll be called a blasphemer at some point soon, so I...
by Admin | Apr 1, 2008 | Playing Gods
Welcome to a blog about Playing Gods: The Board Game of Divine Domination. It is the world’s first satirical board game of religious warfare. If you don’t know about the game, the best place to check it out is of course the Web site: This is more...