As I did with previous books I’m offering the first 50 copies of my new book Big—If True for pre-sale. Big—If True is a collection of my Skeptical Inquirer magazine columns, guiding readers on a science-based (yet open-minded) examination of 70 fascinating and...
Adventures in Poor Taste Reviews ‘Tracking the Chupacabra’
I'm far too modest to mention it, but there's a nice new review of my chupacabra book on the Adventures in Poor Taste website... you can find it HERE.
Santa Fe Library Talk: Contacting the Dead: Seances from the Victorian Era to Modern Times
I'm giving a talk soon: Contacting the Dead: Seances from the Victorian Era to Modern Times. Though TV shows like Ghost Hunters have raised the profile of ghost hunting, there’s nothing new about seeking out spirits of the dead. For millennia people...
The Bad Clowns Return… Because It’s 2020
According to a Newsweek article: "Two YouTubers in Belgium have been fined for dressing up as scary clowns and carrying a fake AK-47 assault rifle while trying to film a prank video back in January 2020. Following their arrest, the 24-year-old men from the...
Upcoming Talk, Sept. 5: Phantom Clown Panics
Hey everyone! On September 5 I'll be giving a live presentation on Phantom Clown Panics for Mark Norman and his delightful Folklore Podcast. It's at 8 PM--if you're in London, otherwise it's early afternoon in the States. Cost is a reasonable £5, which supports the...
New Chupacabra Movie from Jonás Cuarón
Looks like there's a new chupacabra movie coming out, from Jonás Cuarón, son of Alfonso. "The film tells the story of a teenager who visits his family in Mexico and discovers a Chupacabra hiding in his grandfather's shed. Saving the strange creature will be the goal...
Sylvia Browne’s Non-Psychic, Non-Coronavirus Prediction
In recent months there’s been plenty of rumors, myths, and misinformation about the newest coronavirus pandemic, Covid-19. I’ve written several pieces on the topic, tackling both intentional and accidental bogus information. Some of the most pernicious, of...
Squaring the Strange # 112: Literary Hoaxes!
Our recent episode of Squaring the Strange is about literary hoaxes! I discuss some "misery memoirs," stories of victims triumphing over incredible hardships (Spoiler: "Go Ask Alice" was fiction). Celestia discusses newspaper reports of horny bat-people on the moon,...
Neil Peart, Skeptic
Last month Neil Peart, the drummer and main lyricist for the rock band Rush, died. He’d been living in California and privately battled brain cancer for several years. The Canadian trio (Alex Lifeson on guitar, Geddy Lee on vocals, bass, and keyboards, and Neil...
‘Ghost Hunting For Dummies By Zak Bagans—And Many Others’
My buddy Kenny Biddle recently did a great investigation into a new book by TV ghost hunter Zak Bagans. You can read it HERE. Below is an excerpt: I really did not want to read the book this article is about. I know that will likely give away the...