Last month, a YouTube video for an (apparently) upcoming documentary titled Plandemic was released by Mikki Willis (credited onscreen as “father/filmaker” [sic]). The video features a lengthy interview with virologist Judy Mikovits, who offers scattershot...
Media Literacy
“I Don’t Like Your Maple!” (?)Questioning a Viral Outrage Meme
Saw this circulating, and I’m a bit skeptical.... I read “I don't like your maple” but I guess “mask” is possible. It seems to end with an ‘e’ and there may be an ‘i’ in there somewhere. If it was accompanied by a quote that would help. If it does say “mask,”...
Squaring the Strange #122: Plant Folklore
If you need a break from the cornucopia of bad news, the new episode of Squaring the Strange is out. We chat about the passing of a physicist who explored popular sports illusions, and attempting to get answers from the "Plandemic" filmmaker. Then we cover a veritable...
El Cine Chupacabra! The Hispanic Vampire In Film
Of all the world’s cryptozoological curiosities I like the chupacabra the most. I’ve researched Bigfoot, Champ (the lake monster in Lake Champlain), along with Mothman, Lizard Man, the Kraken, and myriad monsters over my career. But the chupacabra is my favorite; I...
Do Conspiracy Theorists Drive Chevys?
I spend an inordinate amount of time dealing with conspiracies and conspiracy theories. Over the years I’ve written about dozens and dozens of conspiracy theories, including the Obama birthers, the Sandy Hook shootings (for which I still receive hate e-mails), Osama...
Squaring the Strange # 120 – Emery Emery on ‘Science Friction’
In the recent episode, we discuss a few pandemic-related things that set off some skeptical alarms over social media this past week. Then we are joined by Southern California-based comedian and film editor Emery Emery to talk about his soon-to-be-released...
‘If You Disagree with Me, Are You Stupid or Dishonest?’
With all the recent news, here's a timely passage from a recent article I wrote: "One element of conspiracy thinking is that those who disagree are either stupid (gullible 'sheeple' who believe and parrot everything they see in the 'mainstream media') or simply lying...
Are People Really Having ‘Coronavirus Parties’?
So this is cool... I'm quoted in a recent article in Rolling Stone about rumors of "coronavirus parties." ...
Establishing the Strange: Why Can’t Ghost Hunters Get Results?
I recently wrote a column Russ Dobler at Adventures in Poor Taste... When I encounter people raising questions or researching topics such as ghosts or Bigfoot, I’m often disappointed (and a bit baffled) by their seeming lack of genuine interest in establishing...
Squaring the Strange #117: Testing Psychic Detectives Part 2
This installment finishes our discussion on three missing persons cases that Ben, Celestia, and Kenny followed in real time and tracked with psychic detective predictions on how the cases would play out. Part 2 features Ben's examination of the Harley Dilly case, a...