by Admin | Aug 18, 2008 | Playing Gods
Good news from Atlanta: it seems that all the packages of pawns arrived. Good news from the board game folks: My 250 games should be arriving in Atlanta any day now. I’m skeptical and I’ll believe it when I see it. I’m cautiously optimistic: “expecting the worst but...
by Admin | Aug 13, 2008 | Playing Gods
Finally got a response back from two foreign game distributors, one in Germany and one on England. (I had previously e-mailed each of them twice before, I guess persistence finally paid off. They want to know what terms I’m offering, and what shipping will be. I...
by Admin | Aug 12, 2008 | Playing Gods
I e-mailed the game folks asking for an update on the 250 games. The latest info (this shit seems to change by the hour) is that the pawns are being finished and should be on a boat sailing August 24, with an ETA of September 25. That’s 10 days later than last time I...
by Admin | Aug 6, 2008 | News
I’m sleeping better at night… Found out that my shipment was X-rayed by Customs, they didn’t see anything interesting, so they sent it back to the warehouse, and theoretically it will be on the way to Atlanta. I’m now figuring my chances of having the games at the big...
by Admin | Jul 25, 2008 | Playing Gods
An old friend of mine, a shrunken head collector from Toronto, said he’d buy three games. Excellent! Not sure what the shipping to Toronto will be, but I appreciate the support. I’ll send him an autographed Buddha figurine.